Friday, May 9, 2014

Windows Phone platform is growing rapidly

Microsoft Windows Phone platform showed 119% growth in supply, which is almost 5 times greater than the rate of growth of Android platform.

Android continues to dominate the global smartphone market, and this platform is the primary choice among people who purchase their first smartphone to replace the usual cell phone. Windows Phone is the third most popular mobile operating system. BlackBerry platform has virtually disappeared from the market and a promising platform Firefox OS has not yet achieved significant success.

Android took 44% of the market of mobile phones of all types. Apple iOS share of the market for new shipments of mobile phones reached 10%. BlackBerry share was 0% due to the relatively small volume of supply on the market. In turn, the supply of Windows Phone smartphones have increased by 119% to 13,3 million units. This is the highest growth rate among all platforms.

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